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Réimaginez l'accès aux soins pour les gens

Contribuer à la prestation en toute simplicité de soins de A à Z

Permettez aux coordonnateurs de répondre à plus de facteurs sociaux de santé au moyen d'une plateforme unique.

Improve patient outcomes

When patients lack access to transportation and delivery services, they miss out on medical care. Uber Health helps remedy this by helping caregivers and coordinators connect their patients with services through our network and partnerships to make it to their appointments.

Streamline operations

Comblez les lacunes en matière de soins en veillant à ce que les soignants puissent se rendre auprès des patients pour réduire les rendez-vous manqués et fonctionner plus efficacement. Les soignants n'ont pas à se soucier de leur propre transport ou de leur stationnement.

Simplify administration

Coordinators and administrators can access multiple services in a single tool. They can also track trips in real time and get transparent trip and billing details.

Reduce healthcare costs

Uber Santé permet aux organisations de réduire leurs coûts de soins de santé en facilitant l'accès aux rendez-vous préventifs et en améliorant l'efficacité opérationnelle.

We help close the loop for healthcare organizations

Uber Health can help reduce barriers to care for riders of all assistance needs in a single HIPAA-enabled platform.

Forfaits de santé

Design your benefits to address transportation access among patients and caregivers. With Uber Health, you get access to multiple mobility modalities and delivery solutions in one place.

Systèmes et fournisseurs de soins de santé

Améliorez le processus pour donner les congés, réduisez les rendez-vous manqués et fonctionnez efficacement grâce au transport entre les établissements.

Home health companies

Réduisez les coûts et fonctionnez plus efficacement en assurant le transport des soignants qui peuvent s'occuper de leurs dossiers en chemin.

Intermédiaires et fournisseurs de transport

Intégrez Uber Santé à votre réseau. Concentrez vos flottes sur les courses avec une marge élevée et pour des patients dont l'état est plus grave en utilisant Uber Santé pour transporter les patients dont l'état est moins grave.

Fonctionnement d'Uber Santé

Commande rapide

A care coordinator uses the Uber Health dashboard or API to request a non-emergency medical ride on behalf of the patient or caregiver—either on demand or for a future date.

Coordinators can choose the level of assistance needed for a ride, whether the rider is ambulatory, uses a wheelchair, or needs door-to-door support.¹

Coordination fluide

Once the ride is requested, the patient or caregiver receives a text or call with their trip details. They receive another when their driver is on the way. A care coordinator can track the ride or delivery in real time and identify whether additional attention or intervention is needed.²

Seamless patient experience

The patient is picked up and dropped off at their requested locations, and a care coordinator can monitor the ride until the request is completed.

La sécurité et la confidentialité des patients sont des priorités pour nous

Our dashboard is HIPAA-enabled and built with GDPR controls³ for health, while our technology enables us to focus on safety before, during, and after every trip.


Frequently asked questions

  • Uber Health allows healthcare organizations to execute on patient care plans outside the 4 walls of a clinic and streamline logistics. Our HIPAA-enabled solution, built with GDPR controls³ for health data, helps enable access to care for those who need it the most by connecting patients with non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) and delivery of grocery, over-the-counter, and prescription items

    At the same time, Uber Health is addressing logistical and structural barriers such as language barriers and lack of tech proficiency: communications are available in dozens of languages, and no Uber app is needed for riders. The solution is built with care coordinators and providers in mind to help enable access at scale.

  • Care coordinators can arrange non-emergency medical rides and delivery of grocery, over-the-counter, and prescription items through a web-based dashboard or API by entering the patient’s name, phone number, and pickup/dropoff locations, or by selecting a patient from a preloaded roster.

    Neither coordinators nor patients need a smartphone or the Uber app. Trip, driver, and vehicle details are communicated to the patient by text or by phone call to a landline once a service has been requested.²

    Coordinators can track rides and deliveries in real time, and the Uber Health dashboard proactively notifies them if a ride or delivery requires intervention, so that they can follow up to close gaps in care. Organizations can also track ride utilization and customize limits at the rider or trip level.

  • We collaborate with many types of organizations that arrange transportation for patients, caregivers, and community members to access necessary care. Customers include health plans, health systems, home health companies, nonprofits and community-based organizations, primary-care clinics, health centers, urgent-care facilities, telehealth companies, transportation providers and brokers, and centers of excellence.

  • Uber offers options for riders across a spectrum of assistance needs. UberX, the most common option, is best for riders who can get in and out of cars by themselves and without support. Uber Comfort⁴ provides longer wait times for riders who may need more time to get to the car.

    In the Uber Health dashboard, coordinators can also request door-to-door rides—both for riders who are ambulatory and for those who use wheelchairs—with credentialed drivers who provide higher levels of assistance through a third party.

  • Uber Health is working to enable greater access to care, reduce costs across the continuum of care, and streamline population health management.

    • Request rides on-demand or schedule them for later: This feature makes it easy to streamline discharge, improve operational efficiency, and reduce no-shows. You can request multiple rides at a time, set up round-trips, and customize recurring rides. Schedule multiple rides for patients, caregivers, and staff from one account.

    • Easily view and pull reports of utilization, past rides, and spending. Using this feature, you can optimize your benefits and budgets with transparent reporting and tracking of patient services.

    • Coordinate deliveries and rides in one dashboard. Extend healthcare beyond the 4 walls of a clinic when you arrange rides and the delivery of prescriptions, over-the-counter items, and groceries to patients’ homes.

    • Be alerted when intervention is needed. Uber Health enables you to optimize scheduling by using our tools to get early indicators of whether patients will be late or won’t show up.

    • Structure your database of contact information. You can save default contact information and preferences, which helps increase efficiency.

    • Close care gaps. Uber Health helps address logistical and structural barriers, such as language barriers and lack of tech proficiency, offering the ability to send texts in 15+ languages.

¹Options and availability may differ by location.

²Features may differ based on service.

³For users in the European Union.

⁴Availability may vary by location and device.

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